So this smile break thing is really catching on! Our fall break is a 4 day weekend, and somehow, with 2 toddlers and I at home this whole time, I have found time to create a Tally Mark I Have Who Has game, AND make a smile break PowerPoint. Are you impressed? I sure am. Especially since my last post was in JUNE. June, people. That's pathetic. I blame my new job. After working for 7 years in the same place, same grade (except one year), moving to a new school feels like starting all over at year one. Busy busy busy. Anyway, so smile breaks! I love the idea. If you aren't familiar, it's a little brain break, but it's not physical. The kids get to look at uplifting/funny/cute images for a minute or so. It makes everyone smile! Hence the name Smile Break. Genius I tell ya. So here I go off to Pinterest to discover more about it. I found some PowerPoints that you can download for free, so I did. Then I decided that not only did it seem easy to make, but it also seemed like a serious amount of fun rifling through adorable pictures of animals, babies, and the like. I was right. It was GREAT! So, I made my own. I do have a disclaimer, though. Every mom thinks her kid is the most adorable thing(s) on earth, and they are, aren't they?! So, my children are a few of the slides in my PowerPoint haha. These pictures were all found on Pinterest and Google. If you find that any of them are yours, and you would like me to either take it off or add credit, please contact me and I will do it immediately. Thank you! Enjoy! (click the picture to go to Google docs)

Now for my next shocker. Tally marks! I actually made a game and uploaded it to my TpT store in time for the impromptu sale they had! This is a brightly colored I Have, Who Has game using tally marks. The pictures are really pretty self explanatory. Grab it in my store
Here's what it looks like :) There are enough cards for 28 kids. If you have more kiddos (I am so sorry), and you contact me, I can add some cards for you!